New Florida bills affect home or condo owners in associations

Serving Families Throughout Destin

Homeowners and condo associations are meant to make living together easier. There are many regulations that affect the operations of associations of homeowners. In Florida, three recently passed bills are making several additions to the laws governing homeowners and condominium associations.

House Bill 73 imposes a number of requirements on associations. For instance, this measure limits association directors to a one-year term, except in instances when a two-year term is explicitly allowed by the association's formal documentation. HB 73 also protects property owners who are delinquent in association payments or otherwise noncompliant with association requirements by forbidding the association from suspending these owners from using certain common elements (like elevators or parking lots).

The focus of much of House Bill 7119 is required disclosures homeowners and condominium associations must make to the Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares and Mobile Homes, as well as the reports this agency must make to the Florida legislature. House Bill 7119 also has a number of other provisions, including a prohibition against directors or officers of an association receiving items or services of a personal nature from providers that service the association.

Finally, Senate Bill 120 is a fix to state law that will help developers building projects with 25 or more units maintain compliance with the Interstate Land Sales Disclosure Act of the federal government.

These bills were all passed during the 2013 Florida legislative session. A real estate attorney can provide a comprehensive explanation of how the new laws will affect Florida homeowners and condo associations.

Source: Lexology, Three Florida homeowners and condo associations bills passed by the 2013 legislature, Martin A. Schwartz, May 29, 2013

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