Florida homeowner facing foreclosure after making early payments

Serving Families Throughout Destin

America is a place that many seek as a destination for launching social mobility. One man immigrated to Florida from Haiti in pursuit of a better life. He currently works as a bus driver at Walt Disney World, saving his paychecks to provide a better life for the three children he has with his wife. The man makes hard work and diligence a habit.

It was these qualities that aided the man in purchasing a home in Orland. Making the mortgage payments was one of his top priorities, and sometimes this meant working several jobs to never miss a payment.

Wells Fargo offered the man a mortgage modification if a four month trial period went well. The man thought he was staying on top of his payments because he paid not only early, but he paid more than the payment required. He never missed a payment in the trial period.

And then Wells Fargo informed him that the bank began foreclosure proceedings on the house that he worked so hard to provide for his family. The bank says that the man violated payment guidelines that follow the modification when he paid early and more than was due.

The thought of losing the house he worked so hard for so many years for devastated the man. The action against him was more than he knew how to confront so he quickly sought the assistance of an attorney to help him defend against the foreclosure proceedings. The attorney mirrored the homeowner’s shock, “When he came in and showed me all of the documents, it was just unbelievable. Who gets foreclosed when they’ve made all payments on time?”

The fate of this father’s family home has not been decided as of yet, but Wells Fargo reports that they are working with the homeowner and his lawyer to explore options.

Source: WFTV.com, “Wells Fargo bank foreclosing on Orlando man who paid on time, early,” May 16, 2013

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